
च्यूइंगम खाओ बिमारी भगाओ | Ibs cure with chewing gum च्यूइंगम खाओ और आईबीएस ठीक करो | ibs treatment cure with chewing gum

2022-08-29 5 Dailymotion

च्युइंगम खाओ बिमारी भगाओ ibs cure with chewing gum च्युइंगम खावो आईबीएस भगाओ
दोस्तों, आपको को तो पता ही है "पेट सफा तो हर रोग दफा" यह आयुर्वेद की पुरानी कहावत है . इसका मतलब है अगर आपका पेट सही हो तो आपको कोई बीमारी नहीं हो सकती और आज के युग में पेट तंदुरुस्त रखना यह अपने आप में एक एक बहुत कठिन चीज है. आइए इस वीडियो में मैं आपको बताता हूं कैसे च्यूइंगम के माध्यम से अब आपका आरोग्य पुनः प्राप्त कर सकते हैं . नीचे एक कमर्शियल लिंक भी दी गई है वहा से एक क्वालिटी का च्युंईगम खरीद सकते हैं और इस चैनल को भी सपोर्ट कर सकते हैं .

Trident Chewing Gum

Friends, welcome to my channel there is an ancient ayurvedic wisdom which states that in order to have a good health you have to keep your stomach healthy. if your stomach is healthy you are healthy . so in this video I have recommended you a innovative kind of tips to make you healthy. That is chewing chewing gum and in this video it's described how merely chewing a chewing gum for some time can make you healthy. It is also a link below where you can purchase a high quality chewing gum from there and thus can support this channel to grow.

Trident Chewing Gum
Chewing gum
Chewing gum tips
Chewing gum and IBS
Chewing gum and irritable bowel syndrome Chewing gum and indigestion
Chewing gum and dyspepsia
Chewing gum and gastritis
Chewing gum and bloating
Cure IBS by Chewing a Chewing gum
Cure Indigestion by chewing a chewing gum
Cure dyspepsia by chewing a chewing gum
Cure H pylori by chewing a chewing gum
#ibs #ibstreatment #ibssymptoms #homeremedy

This is my personel opinions and experience shared for research purpose ,debate and academic discussion , brainstorming etc
It is not a medical advise.
Seeking you medical doctor is highly recomanded.
Consult your doctor for ailments.
Dont self medicate .